Warsztaty z Johnem Scottem w Akademii Ruchu 20-22.07.2018 EN

Warsztaty z Johnem Scottem w Akademii Ruchu 20-22.07.2018

Z ogromną radością informujemy, że w lipcu 2018 roku będziemy gościć Johna Scotta w Akademii Ruchu. Przez trzy dni poprowadzi dla Was intensywne warsztaty z Ashtanga Vinyasa Jogi.
Pierwszeństwo zapisów dla klientów Akademii Ruchu! :)

John Scott – Nauczyciel Ashtanga Vinyasa Jogi, Bezpośredni student Shri K Pattabhi Joisa (Mysore, Południowe Indie) oraz przez niego certyfikowany. Praktukuje od ponad 30 lat . Odkrywa coraz to nowe znaczenie mądrości, którą Guruji pozostawił swoim uczniom, by ci przekazywali ją dalej.

piątek – sobota
2h Ashtanga Joga Mysore
2h Warsztaty

Termin: 20-22.07.2018
Koszt: 650zł

Zapisy: http://akademiaruchu.com.pl/strefa-klienta/

We are happy to host John Scott in July 2018 at Akademia Ruchu. For 3 days, he will run intensive Ashatnga Vinyasa Yoga workshops for You.
Clients of Akademia Ruchu have priority in signing up for the workshops.

John Scott – for over 30 years a dedicated, direct and certified student of Guruji, Shri K. Pattabhi Jois (Mysore, South India), John is still practicing and exploring the techniques passed directly to him and is continually discovering new meanings to the gems of wisdom that Guruji left for his students to pass on. Through the experience of teaching the Vinyasa Count to fellow practitioners it has come to John’s understanding how the “Count” when recited (as if reciting a mantra by both teacher and practitioner) takes the practice to a whole new level of focus, bringing not just Breath and Body into synchronicity, but also Mind, Breath and Body. To self-count the Vinyasa truly elevates an asana practice to a movement meditation, and hence the teacher and practitioner eclipse their own conditioned patterns, both physical and mental.

Dates: 20-22.07.2018
Cost: 650zł
Sign up at: http://akademiaruchu.com.pl/strefa-klienta/ Zobacz więcej