- indywidualnej praktyki Mysore pod opieką Manju P. Joisa (z elementami I, II i III serii Ashtanga Jogi)
- kursu Yoga Therapy
- intonacji Mantr i Pranayamy
- wykładu, dyskusji oraz Q&A (czasu na pytania i odpowiedzi)
Koszt: 500 euro
Wejście weekendowe: 26-27.10.2024
Rozkład godzin (godziny mogą ulec lekkim modyfikacjom):
Czwartek – Niedziela 8:30 – 13:30
We are so happy to invite you for a unique Yoga Therapy training with Manju Jois!
This advanced training will focus on the therapeutical and healing aspects of Ashtanga Yoga. Manju is known for his healing hands and his precise adjustments. We will work on the Ashtanga Yoga sequences, and we will explore specific asanas for healing and deepening experiences. We will learn the effects and the correct adjustment of selected asanas and we will explore how to adjust the practice to different needs and preconditions. In this way everybody can benefit and enjoy the benefits of Ashtanga Yoga.
The intensive will consist of:
- Each day will begin with Ashtanga yoga Mysore self practice with individual guidance from Manju (1st, 2nd and 3rd series)
- Yoga Therapy assistance training
- Chanting and Pranayama
- Lectures, discussions, Q&A
The chanting of the peace Mantras and the Pranayamas will be part of this workshop and taught in detail under Manju´s guidance. Chanting is deeply releasing and healing practice and helps to integrate the asana work into the body and mind. Manju will provide a deeper understanding of Yoga in his talks and open discussions at the end of each day.
For the training you will be provided with a manual and at the end with a letter of participation.
To attend the training a regular practice in Ashtanga Yoga is required. Ashtanga Yoga Teachers and longtime practitioners will benefit alike for their own teachings and their personal practice.
Manju is dedicated to his mission of training teachers in the ancient style of yoga, which includes asanas, pranayamas and peace chants for a holistic experience.
Date: 24-27.10.2024 / Thursday till Sunday: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Price: 500 Euro
Weekend Entry: 26-27.10.2024
Price: 300 Euro